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Discover Diabetes Online Course
Your Stop Diabetes Now Program Session #1
Introduction (4:14)
How were going to reach your Goal (4:07)
Topics for this session (1:50)
Q: Can you have a "Touch" of Diabetes? (0:26)
A: Can you have a "Touch" of Diabetes? (1:01)
How you were diagnosed with Pre/Diabetes (2:05)
Q: As long as I feel ok, My blood sugar doesn't matter. (0:08)
A: As long as I feel ok, My blood sugar doesn't matter. (2:14)
What is a A1c and why is it important? (3:48)
A1c vs. Blood Sugar Values (1:10)
Q: All I need is more will power? (0:18)
A: All I need is more will power? (1:14)
Q: it's my own fault I have diabetes? (0:05)
A: it's my own fault I have diabetes? (2:48)
Your Pooped out Pancreas (1:22)
Insulin and Sticky Glue on Your Cell (Insulin Resistance) (2:37)
Type 2 Diabetes (1:24)
Q: Do you know the difference between Type 1 and Type 2? (0:11)
A: Do you know the difference between Type 1 and Type 2? (1:28)
Type 1 vs Type 2 Diabetes (0:50)
Q: Are we less active today than we were 50 years ago? (0:07)
A: Are we less active today than we were 50 years ago? (1:31)
Q: Do we eat the same amount of food now than we did 50 years ago? (0:06)
A: Do we eat the same amount of food now than we did 50 years ago? (1:32)
Q: What does genetics have to do with my diabetes anyways? (2:15)
A: What does genetics have to do with my diabetes anyways? (2:02)
Does Portion Size Matter? (1:26)
Q: People with diabetes can't have sugar (0:07)
A: People with diabetes can't have sugar (0:48)
Q: People with diabetes should eat sugar free foods? (0:07)
A: People with diabetes should eat sugar free foods? (1:38)
Feeling about your diabetes (2:51)
Depression Screening Test. (PHQ-9)
Q: My doctor takes care of my diabetes? (0:03)
A: My doctor takes care of my diabetes? (2:42)
Q: I should test because my doctor told me so, They will let me what to do (0:07)
A: I should test because my doctor told me so, They will let me what to do (1:45)
When should I test my blood sugar? (1:16)
Q: Everyone's blood sugar goal is the same? (0:04)
A: Everyone's blood sugar goal is the same? (1:14)
Don't change a thing! (2:53)
Using the discovery tool (2:16)
In the doing is the learning (1:43)
Your Discovery Tool
Your Stop Diabetes Now Program Session #2
Welcome back (2:11)
What did you learn from discovery learning? (3:27)
Session #1 Review Questions (0:09)
Test Your Knowledge Session 1 review
Session #1 Review Questions Explanation (3:07)
Topics for this session (0:41)
Q: Does healthy food not raise blood sugar? (0:08)
A: Does healthy food not raise blood sugar? (1:03)
What is a carbohydrate? (2:03)
Fiber and Diabetes (1:20)
What's not a carbohydrate? (2:02)
What's not a carbohydrate Part 2 - Fats (1:49)
Let's Practice (5:09)
Q: Should you look at "sugar" only on the food label? (0:23)
A: Should you look at "sugar" only on the food label? (2:27)
Lets practice , Which has more carbs? (2:55)
More Practice (0:58)
Carb Counting, Plate Method, Hands Method (5:52)
Q: Which Meal will increase blood sugar 4-5 hour later? (0:24)
A: Which Meal will increase blood sugar 4-5 hour later? (0:52)
Q: Can you eat out and control your diabetes? (0:04)
A: Can you eat out and control your diabetes? (1:30)
Q: Drinking your carbs. Guess which place has more? (0:24)
A: Drinking your carbs. Guess which place has more? (1:30)
Alcohol and Diabetes (1:38)
Q: Going off my diet means I'm a weak person? (0:04)
A: Going off my diet means I'm a weak person? (1:06)
Q: Do you believe you have to get down to your normal weight to control your diabetes? (0:05)
A: Do you believe you have to get down to your normal weight to control your diabetes? (1:49)
Q: I can't exercise enough to make a difference? (0:06)
A: I can't exercise enough to make a difference? (3:35)
Time for the Doing (1:19)
Your Discovery Tool
Your Stop Diabetes Now Program Session #3
Welcome Back (2:59)
Test Your Knowledge Session 2 review
Session #2 Review Questions Explanation (3:04)
Topics for this session (0:39)
Q: Having low blood sugar is part of living with diabetes? (0:13)
A: Having low blood sugar is part of living with diabetes? (3:01)
Watch me having a low blood sugar. (9:33)
Q: You will always know If your blood sugar goes low? (0:08)
A: You will always know If your blood sugar goes low? (0:46)
Q: Lows are not too bad because I get to eat chocolate? (0:05)
A: Lows are not too bad because I get to eat chocolate? (4:14)
High blood sugar "Hypoglycemia" (5:37)
Q: The #1 cause of blindness, kidney failure and amputation is diabetes? (0:13)
A: The #1 cause of blindness, kidney failure and amputation is diabetes? (1:45)
The ABC's of good health (1:41)
Know these 7 things to ensure your on the right track to great health (2:48)
Smoking and diabetes (1:03)
Q: If my vision is ok my eyes must be fine? (0:11)
A: If my vision is ok my eyes must be fine? (2:23)
Q: If my kidneys were in trouble I would know it (0:08)
A: If my kidneys were in trouble I would know it (1:15)
Q: If anything were wrong with my foot, it would hurt (0:09)
A: If anything were wrong with my foot, it would hurt (3:17)
Q: Does taking more pills mean that your diabetes is getting worst? (0:11)
A: Does taking more pills mean that your diabetes is getting worst? (1:31)
Medication List
Q: Bad Diabetes is the kind that uses insulin? (0:10)
A: Bad Diabetes is the kind that uses insulin? (0:32)
Q: Insulin shots hurt a lot? (0:08)
A: Insulin shots hurt a lot? (1:33)
Goals that will make a difference (3:10)
You are now the diabetes expert! (1:39)
Your Discovery Tool
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